on this point real housewives of new jerseyThe Gorga v Giudice feud is still in full swing.
Luis Ruelas may be a manipulator, but he extended a very real olive branch to Melissa’s mom. And he did it behind Teresa’s back.
But why is Teresa at loggerheads with Melissa’s family? One so bad that she’ll refuse to invite him to her wedding?
It turns out it’s a short story… but it goes back a long way.
Margaret managed to obtain an invitation to Teresa Giudice’s wedding with Joseph Luis Ruelas. How? By mentioning it.
It was definitely a little ham fisted. But he did get a verbal invitation from the bride to tag along with Margaret.
Meanwhile, Teresa’s brother’s in-laws found none of the same. Melissa Gorga couldn’t help but find that weird… and disturbing. They are his family.
Meanwhile, we see Teresa complaining about how Melissa specifically didn’t invite her to the house on the coast.
In turn, he saw it as downright hypocritical of Melissa when she kicked Teresa out of her house while her family didn’t receive an invitation to the wedding.
That said, it could be an apples and oranges situation. Plus, the Gorgas throw a luau. Teresa attends, which is an invitation of sorts.
During the reunion, Teresa said that not inviting Melissa’s mother and sisters was “not an oversight” on her part.
“We have a history,” she said. “And I’ll leave it at that.”
But really, he didn’t leave it at that. During the confessional, the producers asked him about it. And he ended up spilling the beans.
“Okay, I guess I’ll be honest,” Teresa pleaded. “What happened 10 years ago is that I got engaged and I think they were jealous.”
At that point, the screen played a montage of older, older social media posts from Melissa’s sisters, Kim and Lisa. and from his mother, Donna.
In those posts, he accused Teresa of lying. He also called her “Diva”.
“Melissa’s mother and sister were writing about me on social media,” Teresa recalled.
“And,” she added, “I know my mom would never write about anyone on social media.”
Teresa then explained: “So I kept my distance after that.”
Then, Teresa insisted: “I respect him… I’m the type where I’ll forgive but never forget.”
However, it was Luis who reached out to Melissa’s mother in the night.
He apologized to her for all the drama of the wedding. When he told Teresa, she was shocked by his offer. Especially since it was a unilateral move.
“Do I wish that Louie would have discussed this with me before talking to her? Of course,” Teresa said.
“But I love Louie,” she continued, “and I know he’s trying to be a peacemaker.”
In fact, Teresa tells Luis to invite Donna to the wedding. However, she had already left. If the timing had been a little different, it might have all been over before the big day.