Phone cameras vs “real” cameras: which one is better for you?

By Sami Reis

HOW GOOD IS THIS is a camera if you mainly use it for texting? Over the past decade, as smartphone camera technology has improved exponentially – better lenses, higher resolution, the ability to zoom in to identify a ball player’s sneakers even from the nosebleeds – the devices they are attached to have taken over our lives. Some might say these cameras offer too much utility, because it’s far too easy to pick up your phone with the intention of snapping a cute photo of your dog lying down only to find yourself halfway through the Wikipedia page for “revolution Neolithic” 20 minutes later.

When shooting with a dedicated camera, on the other hand, the possibilities are decidedly limited. While they better equip you to literally focus on photography, and have thus gained legions of new fans, they have their own downsides. Mirrorless cameras are sleeker than a DSLR but bulkier than your phone, and instant cameras can be fun but often make subjects look dull and colorless.

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