It’s been an eventful week for Jinger Duggar.

On Tuesday, Ginger’s new memoir hit stores, and the response from family, friends and fans has been overwhelmingly supportive.

While many Duggars have chosen to remain silent, Jill and others have congratulated Jinger on her triumphant accomplishment.

Just yesterday, Jinger’s husband Jeremy Vuolo basically called his wife a hero for speaking out against him

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo on the Village
Jinger Duggar has been making the media rounds to promote her new book. (photo via Instagram)

And now, in what may be a first for a member of the controversial Duggar clan, Jinger has earned praise from mainstream media.

The 29-year-old has been making the media rounds to promote her book, and earlier this week, she appeared daily blast liveWhere he once again opened up about his tough upbringing.

During the interview, Jinger confirmed that she hasn’t spoken with Josh Duggar in two years.

Josh Duggar smiles in one of his many, many mug shots.

Josh, as you probably know, is currently serving a 151-month sentence for child pornography.

Jinger’s candid comments about her brother earn her praise daily blastThe panel of hosts, notably anchor Al Jackson.

“I hope this does not amount to the amount of courage required to speak to our audience about the situation with your brother, which is obviously gross and hurtful, but you are addressing it. You don’t have to, but You are,” Jackson remarked during Jinger’s appearance on the show.

Recently, Ginger got emotional during an interview. (photo via Instagram)

Ginger becomes emotional as Jackson continues to praise her courage.

“And I want to tell you on behalf of us as a panel, I wasn’t sure how many of you were going to come to this interview, and, quite frankly, I’m really blown away because you’re really taking a risk.” You’re losing everything, in terms of your relationships, in terms of your past, how you see yourself as a person,” he said.

“And you need a lot of courage to do that, and I’m really impressed with you, and I wish you success on your journey,”

These days Ginger is speaking her mind like never before. And his parents might not like what he has to say. (photo via Instagram)

“She’s in tears,” commented one of Jackson’s co-hosts, “now we’re all crying.”

On Instagram, Jeremy Vuolo praised his wife for her bravery in speaking out against Josh.

“Having lived his life in the public eye, he is a naturally guarded person. Many of you know this about him. But, he did it anyway. Why? Because she feels compelled to,” Jeremy wrote on Instagram on Tuesday.

jeremy volo and famous wife
Jeremy Vuolo posted this photo of himself and his wife in late 2020. They look great together! (photo via Instagram)

He said, “He wrote this book for you.”

“She wants to encourage and defend people who are confused. She knew going into this whole process there would be tough questions. But she wanted to face them,” Jeremy continued.

“It hasn’t been easy. But God’s grace has manifested so clearly.

kiss ginger
Jeremy Vuolo has a smile on his face for a good reason. He is kissing his wife. (photo via Instagram)

Clearly, Ginger’s book tour has taken quite an emotional toll.

But we’re sure she has no regrets about walking down this path.

After all, if Ginger doesn’t tell her story to the world, who will?

By Admin