In really free And in the press tour surrounding its release, Jinger Duggar Vuolo has opened up about a lot of topics.
Some are current and sensational. the cultural beliefs of her extended family and her brother’s crimes. Others touch on how she “dated” her husband for the first time, if we can even say courtship.
Jim Bob acted as his children’s gatekeeper. Ginger was no exception.
In fact, he turned away before Jeremy was allowed to hug Ginger under the watchful eye of a janitor. 26 Would be willing.
For years, the Duggars have worked tirelessly to present a clean side of their extreme beliefs to the world. They wanted to be seen as bizarre but somehow noble.
One of the aspects of their cult’s beliefs that they shared was their unusual approach to dating. That is, they view their children as property and forbid dating altogether.
Instead of this “sinful” practice of people getting to know each other, they had a supervised practice called “courtship”.
Years ago, Jim Bob explained why he controlled his children’s private lives with an iron fist.
“Courtship is really about waiting on God for you and praying through the whole process,” he insisted.
Jim Bob insisted that “It’s really examining the guy and considering, ‘Will this be the guy I want to be the father of my children? ‘”
Notoriously, courtship rules forbid the basics – no hand-holding until a formal engagement, no kissing or front-to-back hugs until marriage.
Plus, every date includes chaperones. Yes, even for adults under the control of Jim Bob.
This tactic serves to prevent the Duggars from exercising their human rights towards sexual expression. This prompts them to get married as soon as possible, thus inducting them into the Duggar lifestyle.
Additionally, any potential courtship required Jim Bob’s approval. To start courtship – and to marriage. This is nothing short of disgusting.
And that’s where we remember in Ginger’s own memoir, really free,
Ginger details that her father rejected 26 potential suitors who wanted to court her.
“I didn’t share more than a passing hello with any of them,” Ginger said.
“I think some people confuse me with one of my sisters,” she admitted.
Jinger shared, “Many guys had seen the show and decided they wanted to date a Duggar girl.” “An equal number of boys were interested in one of my sisters”
For years, people joked about a 50-page questionnaire that Jim Bob required potential suitors to complete.
But Jessa Duggar’s husband Ben Seewald has confirmed it happened.
In fact, even though Jim Bob had already more or less given his seal of approval, he had to fill in page after page for his stance on Christian theology.
“The key question, where I spent most of my time, was ‘Tell me how you became a Christian, how you came to the Lord,'” Ben recalled.
Jeremy Vuolo, who of course is Jinger’s husband now, had to do the same challenge.
“The questionnaire asks some very deeply personal questions. … You need to know who you are,” he said.
Apparently, Jim Bob did extra checking on Jeremy – because Jessa and Ben essentially matched him up with Ginger.
In her book, Ginger shares that their courtship only began “after about five months of weekly conversations with my dad”.
Nevertheless, Jeremy shared that “marriage was expected” from their first conversation. Shortcoming!