In addition to sightseeing and a cultural tour, David & Annie: 90 Days Later Season 2 has had another focus.

Longtime fan-favorites David Toborowski and Annie Suwan hope to give their two teenage relatives more opportunities in life.

Unfortunately, the road to applying for a visa—even if you have American family—is long and certainly difficult.

Amber and Jordan sit down for their visa interviews. Sadly, things didn’t turn out the way (most) the family expected.

in this week’s episode David & Annie: 90 Days LaterThe fan-favorite couple joined Annie’s family to share some news.

Annie’s brother, Jordan is still in his early teens. He also has a younger cousin, Amber.

For years, David and Annie have hoped to bring them both to the United States. It is their hope that they will both have more opportunities and a better life as a result.

Both Jordan and Amber are over 14. So, when he had his interview with the US immigration officials, he did it without other family members in attendance.

During the interview, they both felt that things were going relatively well. And then, they got the news.

He had to tell David, Annie and the rest of the family that he could not get the green light to go to America. not yet.

The news brought tears to David’s eyes. Amber was definitely in tears as she recounted her experience.

“I answered everything, and it was all going well,” she described. Annie hugs and reassures her cousin comfortingly. Sometimes, it’s the best thing to do in the moment.

“even if he [says] he did his best, and he [does] I do not regret, she is still 17 years old.

To no one’s surprise, Jordan didn’t share his cousin’s distress. He has repeatedly expressed genuine doubts about going to America.

“It’s not that I feel happy,” he explained to the camera, “but I feel more relieved.”

“I can go home now,” Jordan said in a very sincere tone. Change can be scary. We got it.

One Real Everyone was surprised by the change in Aunt Lom’s attitude. As Annie put it, “I just feel like she has a more positive frame of mind.”

Lom told how traveling to Phuket opened her eyes to different ways of life. This made Amber and Jordan more eager to see more opportunities in life.

Many people can relate. Only by meeting new people (and often, visiting new places) do we all truly understand how many, or how few, opportunities others may have.

Viewers have seen David and Annie and their loved ones deal with this painful blow before. In 2022, we see Jordan and Amber trying for US visas, only to receive a denial.

Amber really felt it internally, as if it was a personal failure. It is not. Many systems, including the US immigration system, are working hard to make things inhumanely difficult. Why? There are some practical concerns, but there are also elements of xenophobia and racism. They are baked into the formula of many American laws and policies.

Hopefully David and Annie can help Amber and Jordan overcome these bitter obstacles so they can have their best chance at life.

By Admin