Amber Portwood wants you to stop calling her a killer
Amber Portwood wants you to stop calling her a killer

On this week’s season finale of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Amber Portwood learned an important truth.

And tried to give an important message to everyone who sees it.

Amber Portwood doesn’t look very happy in this photo. (MTV)

As you may recall, Portwood got engaged to a man named Gary Waite last June.

After a few days the vet disappeared.

Gary was eventually discovered a few days later, luckily in good physical condition, but this was only after the engagement between him and Portwood had broken off.

What happened that created so much tension and so much scandal?

Portwood shed light on some of the incidents during this episode of the MTV reality show.

Amber Portwood during an episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. (MTV)

“I think his dad reads my Wikipedia,” Amber told a producer on the finale … before a screenshot of her sordid past flashed on screen, highlighting her run-ins with the law, as well as her history of abuse from her ex-husband, Gary Shirley, with whom she shares 15-year-old daughter, Leah.

He further added, “I think he was holding it in his mind that maybe he found out from his family or somebody else, and he wasn’t telling me.”

“All I was saying was, ‘I can’t do this. How can we get married if your family can’t accept me?’

“And maybe he took it as me breaking up with him. I thought maybe he was upset and disappointed.”

Amber Portwood, a photoAmber Portwood, a photo
Amber Portwood continues to be a vital player in the Teen Mom universe. (Image courtesy: MTV)

Amber actually found out on air that Gary had been found, although she later realised that Gary had not contacted her since then.

The mother of two considered this a huge “red flag.”

From there, Portwood went to her psychiatrist, and said in an Uber ride to the vet:

“This guy just broke me…

“I was stable. And right now, this was the first time in my life in many, many years — I’m 34 years old — I’m not okay because a man put a ring on my finger.”

“You broke me because we were really in love. The day that guy left for no reason. And I would say no reason because there was no reason, and he ruined such a good thing. I’m completely broken right now.”

Amber Portwood makes a faceAmber Portwood makes a face
Amber Portwood has an unusual expression on her face in this scene from a Teen Mom episode. (Image courtesy: MTV)

It wasn’t just Gary who broke it.

Portwood delved into some of the reactions she saw on social media following his disappearance.

“Do you know how it feels when people call you a killer in front of your fiancé?” Portwood yelled. “Do you know how it feels? She doesn’t know what she did! They were calling me a killer and they said I killed her!”

The finale concluded with the couple breaking off their engagement.

“If you want to show what heartbreak is like, this is it,” Amber concluded. “It’s not just about one guy. We had something that we both hadn’t seen with anyone else in our lives.

“He looked at my family and my daughter and told us to be a big, happy family.”

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