Debbie Aguero sits down with Osama, family: Is she older than her parents?
Debbie Aguero sits down with Osama, family: Is she older than her parents?

Debbie Aguero compares reading Osama’s poem to drinking a glass of cognac during latest episode 90 Day Fiancé: The Second Way,

After publicly demonstrating your love for her in this way, it’s time for the next step: meeting her family.

But how do they feel about the relationship and their huge age gap?

Is Debbie older than both of Osama’s parents?

If you followed our detailed recap 90 Day Fiancé: The Second Way Season 4, Episode 10, you know Osama proved himself to Debbie.

She had great doubts, especially when he admitted that he was not yet ready to marry her.

Reading a poem he dedicated to her, announcing publicly that he was her fiancé… was better, for Debbie, than flowery words in private.

There is some uncertainty, perhaps even uneasiness, as Déby and Osama sit with their families the paradeglimpse of.

Debbie, speaking in English, addresses the obvious: He is much older than Osama. They are so much older than him that their age gap is more than 40 years.

But Debbie points out that neither of them bonded over the other’s age before. Instead, they fell for each other through the arts.

Poetry and painting are two great hobbies for both of them. That’s how they found each other on social media.

Debbie says that these art forms were the foundation of her friendship and now romance with Osama.

(Of course, 90 Day Fiancé: The Second Way The audience hasn’t seen many hints of “romance”… but they get to define their relationship, we don’t)

After Debbie said what she had to say, Osama echoed her thoughts.

Significantly, this time he is not speaking English. He’s partly translating, partly agreeing with Debbie as she speaks.

And he gives the same speech to his men – about how their age difference is just a detail, about how they formed a bond through a shared appreciation for the arts.

To their great relief, Osama’s father seems very welcoming and affirming.

He states that, in his mind, the age difference was “never an obstacle” as long as people have things in common, are like-minded, and understand each other.

While viewers haven’t seen Osama and Debbie necessarily to be on the same page, they do seem to have some things in common. And they clearly appreciate each other’s goofy antics in ways that, perhaps, no one else would.

Osama translates his father’s blessing for Debbie’s benefit. All this is a great relief to him.

Interestingly, his mother and sister don’t seem as eager to speak with his vociferous approval.

But his father compensates him… though he admits it was a little awkward, at first, when he first learned of Osama’s mostly-online flirtation with Debbie.

However, he explained that he saw how happy his son was and how much they liked each other.

Furthermore, even though Osama lives at home, he is an adult young man. His father explained that his son had freedom, and could not change his heart if he wanted to.

Of course, Debbie then asks a very awkward question: How old are 24-year-old Osama’s parents?

It is learned that Osama’s father is 68 years old. This makes him older than Debbie… in just a few months.

The family – including Osama’s mother and sister – share a laugh at the underlying comedy of the situation.

Debbie admits that she thinks “she’s going in the right direction now.” But how long will this last?

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