Major Pantheon buffs hit League of Legends PBE patch 13.5 cycle, base attack speed enhanced, Q cooldown reduced, and more
Major Pantheon buffs hit League of Legends PBE patch 13.5 cycle, base attack speed enhanced, Q cooldown reduced, and more

Pantheon is one of those champions in League of Legends who is exceptional in the meta, but not so great when he gets nervous. Even then, his early game presence is pretty strong and his lane can be overbearing.

As such, the game developers want to make it a bit more viable by introducing some major Pantheon buffs for League of Legends patch 13.5. These buffs give you improved base attack speeds, reduced cooldowns for your Q, and increased attack speed ratings.

Pantheon Changes: – Base health regen reduced from 7.5 to 6 – Base attack speed increased from 0.644 to 0.658 – Attack speed ratio increased from 0.644 to 0.658 – Q cooldown reduced from 13 – 8 seconds to 11 – 8 – Q mana cost reduced from 30 to 25

The developers seem to want Pantheon to be more viable in lane and improve his early game presence. Needless to say, he’s always been an early game focused champion, and receiving buffs in those areas will make him extremely good.

Full Details on Pantheon’s Perks in League of Legends Season 13

The benefits Pantheon receives in League of Legends patch 13.5 are as follows:

  • Base health regen reduced from 7.5 to 6
  • Base attack speed increased from 0.644 to 0.658
  • Attack speed ratio increased from 0.644 to 0.658
  • Q cooldown reduced from 13 – 8 seconds to 11 – 8
  • Q manacost reduced from 30 to 25
  • E cooldown changed from 22-16 seconds to 25-21.
  • Empowered E MS bonus reduced from 60% to 40%.
  • Data now shows E grants 10 + 20% bonus AD and MR armor for 6 seconds, not implemented in-game yet

Therefore, in terms of benefits received, Pantheon seems to be in excellent shape. While his health regeneration was reduced a bit, his fighting ability was increased significantly in League of Legends.

The cooldown reduction of his Q ability will also make him extremely strong. Other than that, the fact that the mana costs have been reduced means you can spam those abilities more.

– E cooldown changed from 22 – 16 seconds 25 – 21 – Empowered E MS bonus reduced from 60% to 40% – Data now shows E grants 10 + 20% AD armor additional and MR for 6 seconds, not yet implemented in the game

These in-game changes seem to focus on support and toplane. The ability to harass an enemy laner as Pantheon is critical, and the current changes, especially to his Q, will allow him to do this quite effectively.

Although the cooldown of his E skill has been increased, it seems that he will gain additional AD (Attack Damage) and MR (Magic Resist) when using it. This means that players will now be able to use her E ability more as a combat spell rather than a mere disconnect tool.

Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul

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