90 Day Fiancé The Other Way star Debbie has an arrest record: What happened?
90 Day Fiancé The Other Way star Debbie has an arrest record: What happened?

last weekend’s new episode 90 Day Fiancé: The Second Way Debbie and Osama were introduced.

Debbie is a colorful character. She’s an artist, she’s eccentric and she’s 67. With a 24-year-old fiancee, that gives her the biggest age gap in franchise history. So farEven then.

First impressions are never a safe bet on this show. But so far most of the fans seem to like him. He’s funny, he’s a talented artist. And whatever we might think of her relationship, Debbie clearly isn’t hurting anyone.

But a quick look at her history reveals that Debbie’s arrests date back to 2006. Criminal records are not uncommon in this franchise. What did Debbie allegedly do?

The detectives at Starcasm scoured online arrest records for Gwinnett County, Georgia.

In 2006, the authorities arrested Debbie.

charge? He operated the business without a business license.

At that time Debbie was 51 years old. It makes sense, because that’s how timing works. (her season was filmed last year)

Given the seriousness of the crime, or lack thereof, it is clear that the court did not consider him to be a threat to anyone.

Debbie’s bond amount was only $221. Now, that’s enough to ruin some people’s lives – not everyone has even half of that, and it can result in months in prison without trial. But it’s likely that Debbie, or her adult son Julian, could have handled it.

We have to speculate about what might have happened because, this is an old case.

We don’t know much about the charges or the outcome yet. He may have entered a plea, the court may have found him guilty, or the prosecutors may have dropped the charges. It’s anyone’s guess.

What business did he operate without a license? This is also a guess. But this time, we can guess with much more confidence.

As Debbie walks the producers around her house, she shows them things about her life.

One of them was that she makes jewelry. Noting that Georgia law makes it a misdemeanor to deal “in precious metals or gems” without a business license, that could lead to his arrest.

We are sure this law comes as a surprise to many. Lots of people make jewelry for themselves and friends and then start selling it. Very few people stop and think that they may need to register with the state in order to do so.

Obviously, it’s always possible that Debbie is doing something beyond jewelry making. But it seems like the most likely conclusion.

And, just to be clear, those laws about registering to operate a business related to precious gems and metals make sense.

SometimesPeople sell shoddy stuff. This was true 4,000 years ago, and there are modern-day e-Nasser types who would do the same today.

Frankly, a lot of viewers found themselves becoming more interested in Debbie’s artwork.

She is a painter, and has been painting since childhood.

Debbie’s work is beautiful, full of colour. It is captivating. And some of it is a bit pungent. Debbie also includes a recurring motif, a red-winged blackbird, in many of his paintings.

Fans do not know how Debbie’s “love story” with 24-year-old Osama will unfold.

She is reportedly planning to fly to Morocco to marry him. Many viewers share her son’s doubts and concerns.

But the big expectation most of us have right now is that this season doesn’t make us like Debbie any less. Now, that’s a hoot.

By Admin