Josh Duggar: Thrown in solitary confinement after secretly carrying a cellphone in prison?
Josh Duggar: Thrown in solitary confinement after secretly carrying a cellphone in prison?

Shortly after Josh Duggar was sentenced to 151 months in prison, we learned that with good behavior, he’ll be eligible for parole in early 2032.

But Josh has never been a fan of good behavior, and it seems he hasn’t changed his ways behind bars.

Yep, it looks like the 34-year-old hunter has been busted at Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution for drug trafficking.

And now, he is being severely punished for his actions.

Josh Duggar smiles in one of his many, many mug shots.

According to a new report in UK tabloid SunJosh is transferred to the Special Housing Unit after being caught with a cell phone that was smuggled into the facility.

“He went to SHU to have a cellphone,” a prison insider told the outlet.

The source says, “I can tell you that the SHU there is so bad that the regional office was down there to see what was going on.”

a passion photo
Hopefully Josh Duggar stays locked up for a long time. (photo via Instagram)

As we’ve previously reported, several Seagoville inmates have filed lawsuits against the facility and the Bureau of Prisons, alleging that they were mistreated and denied proper medical care.

The SHU was at the center of many of the lawsuits in which inmates alleged that they were left in seclusion for inappropriately long periods of time and were denied medicine and food during their incarceration.

An inmate alleged, “They are keeping the inmates in the SHU indefinitely, not letting them hear the DHO, who lets them know when they are getting out.”

Josh Duggar may soon be back in court for his appeal. (Photo via Getty)

According to a recent court filing by a former inmate, prison staff showed “deliberate indifference” to his “mental and physical needs” during his stay in the SHU.

He also accused the guards of “failing to provide” [his] prescribed medication for 31 days while he was confined in the special housing unit at the complete mercy of the BOP staff.

Obviously, no one knows if Josh is being subjected to similar abuse, but the convicted child predator isn’t likely to get much sympathy from the outside.

Josh and Anna Duggar with three of their seven children. (photo via Instagram)

In fact, even Josh’s family seems to have no interest in his welfare.

We recently learned that Jinger Duggar hasn’t spoken to her oldest sibling in over two years.

Meanwhile, Josh’s wife, Anna Duggar, has reportedly begun harassing her in-laws by repeatedly insisting that Josh is innocent and will be acquitted on appeal.

Josh and Anna Duggar in happier times. (photo via Instagram)

Speaking of his appeal, Josh is due back in court next month, where his lawyers will try to convince a judge that their client deserves another trial.

We’re sure at that point Josh would claim he had a smuggled cell phone because it was the only way he could communicate with his legal team.

This is almost certainly not true, but he is quite good at playing the victim and manipulating the justice system.

By Admin